Remote Supports
Modern technology now provides nontraditional ways to support people so they can live in their own homes. Remote supports can be customized to meet the individual needs of each person. This type for home support can provide an exciting option for people with developmental disabilities.
Presently four companies are providing remote supports to individuals with developmental disabilities in the state of Missouri. Clicking on the name of each company will send you to their websites to get further information.
2gethertech assistive technology provides a safe, cost effective alternative to supporting individuals in their own homes. 2getherTECH helps individuals live more independently and have more privacy. Not all people served need 24/7 supports with staff living in their homes. 2getherTECH offers the answer to more independence and privacy, while ensuring a safe and secure home. Using sensors placed around the living space, 2gethertech checks on activity. Sensors and alerts are designed around individual needs and include motion detectors, entry/exit door sensors, toilet sensors, bed sensors, panic sensors, and water sensors.
Night Owl Support Systems, LLC (NOSS) uses a central monitoring station that utilizes alarm receivers and computer software which manage the alarms that come in. NOSS provides monitoring, responder training, ongoing evaluation of each participant, and stresses individualizing the supports to meet the needs of each person. Night Owl works with the individual support teams to ensure that when developing a response system, the person or household's safety, security, and independence is a focal point of the monitoring response system.
Rest Assured uses the latest technology with a secure internet connection to bring clients face-to-face with tele-caregivers. It offers customized care with real-time support and response services, as well as family access to visually and verbally communicate with loved ones via computer. They provide several levels of support including active support, drop-in support, emergency support, family support, and a personal emergency response system. A home security system also provides checks for smoke, carbon monoxide, temperature changes, window and door intrusions and internal motion.
SmartCare is a cloud-based system that is immediate, easy to use, and easy to understand. A complex platform gathers and measures changes in a resident's activity based on multiple data sensors and uniquely "fused" sensor data. SmartCare requires the use of sensors (activity monitors, temperature sensors, bed and chair pressure pads, i.e.). SmartCare does not rely on wearable sensors. The system uses discrete sensors that baseline activities. In each home, experienced staff collaborates with providers to recommend an appropriate custom system and install it. SmartCare provides training and are available to offer support after installation.